What is hazard & how to manage hazard

What is hazard & how to manage hazard

1. What is hazard – Anything that can potential causes of harm is called as hazard

2. The availability and suitability of ways to eliminate hazard

3. Identifying and reporting of hazard

4. Managing hazards :

A. Identify workplace hazard
B. Assess risk
C. Manage risk
D. Monitor control methods

5. Controlling hazard – When hazard is identified, it must be assessed for control through elimination and mobilization
6. Worker participation – Workers involvement is key part of the legislation as workers who do the work are usually aware of the hazard

Hazard management : The main function of hazard management is to eliminate the risk and hazards on workplace.

Types of hazard :

1. Physical hazard :- if any hazard can have potential to harm the human body without necessary touching

2. Chemical hazard :- it include burns , illness , skin irritation, breathing problem etc.
3. Biological hazard :- it involve insect bites, fungi,bacteria and virus etc.
4. Electrical hazard :- it include burn, shock circuit, damage to property and death etc.
5. Ergonomic hazard :- it include machine hazards
6. Noise hazard :- it include loud music,generator,hammer mill,road traffic etc. Permissible limit of sound is 85 to 90 decibel.

Risk of hazards can measure in High, Medium and low and severity can measure in Major, Moderate and minor.

Hazard management is divided into following parts :
A. Hazard identification
B. Hazard assessment
C. Hazard control
D. Hazard review

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